Big News!
Connect The Dots OT has been awarded the NYC bid for all districts in Manhattan for Pre-K and School-Aged, along with D75, and District 14 in Brooklyn!

Our goal is to build upon your child’s strengths to promote further independence in daily activities of life, thus empowering every child step by step. We take a holistic approach in evaluating your child to understand how occupational therapy can most positively impact their life.
In conjunction with their caregivers, teachers and health practitioners, we will take part in connecting the dots and determining a treatment plan that can address the immediate as well as long term needs of every child.

Connect the Dots Occupational Therapy, PLLC has been awarded as a top Occupational Therapy practice with some of New Yorks best Occupational Therapists.
Verified by opencare.com

Meet the Director and Founder of CTD OT
Marianne Rho, founder of Connect the Dots, has been a pediatric occupational therapist since 1998. Upon graduating magna cum laude from the University of Southern California with a Bachelors of Science in Occupational Therapy, she has immersed herself in the pediatric world. Her background includes experiences with clinic, home and school based sessions, with children of all ages and diagnoses. To continue her expertise with young children, she obtained a Masters of Arts in Early Childhood Special Education at Teachers College, Columbia University. In 2002, she became SIPT (Sensory Integration Praxis Test) certified from the University of Southern California/Western Psychological Services. In 2005, she became certified as a Chair Yoga Instructor, learning how to adapt and teach yoga to children who have difficulties working on the floor.
Marianne was recently featured in a FOX5 News Television Interview discussing school-aged children wearing masks and also collaborated with Bloom to offer ideas on Things You Can Do With Your Baby in a Bouncer Right Now.

How Can We Help
Comprehensive OT Evaluation
School, Home, and Clinic based OT Funded by NYC DOE and Private Pay
Therapeutic Listening (R) Program with Full CD Rental Program
Facility Based Early Intervention
Handwriting Assessments and Ongoing Handwriting Classes
After School Enrichment Classes in Private Schools
Our Partners
MK Physical Therapy, P.C.
I hope to bring forth information that will help improve your understanding of the body, learn new concepts, and decipher myths and misconceptions. Knowledge is power and my hope is that with this site the reader will be able to come away more in control of their health and inspired to take charge of their own well being.
Listen For Change
Sue Sonkin is a seasoned occupational therapist with extensive experience in sensory integration and SIPT certified. After many years of owning and operating a trans-disciplinary early intervention facility, Sue is now limiting her practice to Tomatis Listening Training. She is the only Tomatis Level 3 Consultant in NewYork City. Her services are also available in New Jersey and Westchester. Feel free to ask her questions and check out her website.